
Liguorian Author Guidelines

To have freelance manuscripts considered for publication in Liguorian magazine, please observe the following guidelines:

  1. Articles must not exceed 2,200 words. Personal essays should be limited to 1,000. Fiction submissions should be approximately 2,000 words. Style and vocabulary should be popular and readable. Use an interest-grabbing opening, state why the subject is important to readers, use examples, quotes, anecdotes, make practical applications, and end strongly.
  2. Liguorian does not consider simultaneous submissions or articles previously accepted or published.
  3. Seasonal articles and stories must be received 8 months in advance.
  4. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via email attachment in Microsoft Word to Please indicate the word count of your submission and the category intended: personal essay, or feature and whether it is fact or fiction.
  5. Be sure to include your full name, address, phone number, and email address in your submission email.
  6. For all quoted material from any source, please cite using a well-known citation format or send photos of the source cover, copyright page and page(s) containing the quoted material to
  7. Please allow 8 to 12 weeks for our response. All manuscripts will be reviewed by our acquisitions team. If you have not heard back within 12 weeks, please send a follow-up email with your submission attached for a status update.
  8. Liguorian assumes no responsibility for damaged or lost material. Please keep a copy of your manuscript.
  9. Accepted manuscripts will be published within 2 years and payment schedule is dependent upon publication date.
  10. Accepted manuscripts are paid at a rate of 12-15 cents per published word upon acceptance.

Your manuscript stands a better chance of acceptance if it is neatly presented, carefully polished, and on a topic of special interest to our readers. Liguorian receives more than 50 manuscripts each month. Many must be returned though they may be well written and have merit.

Submit your proposal for a Liguorian article via email:

Authors are advised to read and study several issues of Liguorian before submitting articles. To obtain a sample copy, please send an email request to

Liguori Publications Author Guidelines