Understanding Alcoholism
A Focus on the Erosion of Lives and Relationships Due to Alcohol Addiction
First of a five-part series
What would it be like to have an active volcano one hundred yards from your home? You never know when the volcano will erupt and destroy everything you own and everyone you love. You live with the constant threat that life as you know it could drastically change at any time. You might respond to this life-threatening situation by preparing and developing various plans to minimize the impending disaster. Eventually, however, you would see that plans are useless due to the strength of the volcano. You might try to ignore it and live as if it didn’t exist. This approach wouldn’t work because, deep down, you’d know the constant threat remains. How long could you live with the uncertainty?
The tension of this scenario is similar to that experienced by an alcoholic and members of her or his family. It describes the silent, unwanted third party that has infiltrated the family, controlling everyone it encounters. The name of this family is alcoholism.
This five-part series will define the crippling disease of alcoholism, describe its impact on the family, and present some ideas for how to get help before it is too late. The content is not meant to be a definitive presentation on alcoholism. It’s directed toward those who live with the confusion, frustration, and despair of alcoholism. Despair, anger, and fear reign when alcoholism is in charge. This killer can be stopped, but first, it must be known.