An Important Life Lesson
October 2013
Many years ago, I managed a rental store in Northern Florida. At the end of each day, I would create a “to do list” of the many things I wanted to achieve the following day. Each morning, however, the owner of the company would hand me a list of what he wanted me to accomplish. I finally told the owner that I didn’t have enough time to complete both lists. The owner responded, “Son, you have enough time in your day to do whatever you think is important.” At that very moment I learned an important life lesson. By prioritizing my tasks and placing more reverence on the owner’s requests as opposed to my own aspirations, I was able to accomplish both lists.
As I step into my current position of the new president of Liguori Publications, I am reminded of the need to listen to God’s voice and discern his presence in my life. God has a plan for Liguori Publications, just as he has a plan for each person. This issue’s cover story draws attention to how to hear God’s voice within the clamor of our busy lives. We must listen to God, discern God’s will, and conform our lives to ensure that we are focused on what is truly important—doing the will of our Father in heaven.
When our focus moves to what we want to do, separate of God’s will for us, all of our endeavors fail to bear the fullness of the fruit that will remain. Although we may be successful for a while, eventually we will find ourselves with decreased energy, moving in multiple directions, or acting like busybodies rather than bodies busy doing the work of the kingdom.
Some people may claim that their lives don’t afford time for prayer. Although there is no denying we all have busy lives, making time for God is a vitally important action. If we take time to open our hearts to God’s Spirit and put listening at the top of our priority list, we can be assured that God will provide everything we need to accomplish his plan. All of our efforts will spring forth with new life.
Busy or not, always remember: You have enough time in your day to do whatever you think is important.