Category: Home

A Booming Need: Serving a Fast-Growing Population

A Booming Need

Ideas Parishes Can Use to Server a Fast-Growing Population By Barbara Lee As a spiritual director with a ministry to the aging, I often hear two complaints from older men and women about parish life: First: “We’re left out. Parish activities focus on families and young people, most parish events...

September 2019 Liguorian Magazine

New Archbishop Brings Joy, Hope to the Capital

If an applause meter measured hope, its arrow would have surpassed maximum when Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory was installed in May as the new shepherd of the Archdiocese of Washington (DC). As the new archbishop—known as a joyous priest—entered the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, booming...


Godparenting: A Call to Witness

From the earliest days of Christianity, sponsors were assigned to adults who wanted to become members of the Church. The sponsor was a dedicated Christian who could be relied upon to truthfully testify that a person was indeed worthy of Christian baptism. As history marched on, the word godparent replaced...

The Richness of The Way of the Cross

As we recall the suffering and death of our Lord on the cross, the questions that come to mind are: “Why did he suffer and die? What is the meaning of his death on the cross?” The most common understanding is that he died for our sins. We believe that...

Seasons of Glory

A tree gives glory to God…by being a tree. For in being what God means it to be, it is imitating an idea which is in God and which is not distinct from the essence of God, and therefore a tree imitates God by being a tree. The more a...

Building a Culture of Love and Life

We’ve known all our lives that February 14 is Valentine’s Day, a time when we honor those we love. But arguably more significant and lesser-known celebratory dates about love precede the 14th, when roses and candy fly from shops into loved ones’ arms.  February 7-14 marks the annual celebration of...

Timeless Wisdom

Timeless Wisdom for Troubled Times

Part One of Five We live in curious, troubled times. Rather than enjoying this relatively peaceful and prosperous era in our nation, citizens feel unsettled. We’re at odds with one another, and we distrust political and religious leaders. Looking for stability and reason, we turn to original documents like the...

Celebrating Mary: Our Perfect Guide to Jesus

Now imagine being the giver of this gift and, despite all the help you are willing to give to care for this treasure, the recipient takes the gift and rejects all of your guidance. How would you feel if you saw your gift slowly deteriorate and fall to pieces due...

Persevering for Peace

Persevering for Peace

On our journey deeper into peace this year, we’ve made several stops. We began with an exploration of interfaith peace and ways the Bible embraces the whole world, including people of varying faiths. We ventured into the valley of the shadows of death and terrorism, and saw how the light...

CNS photo/Jaclyn Lippelmann, Catholic Standard

Spirituality for Youth

How the Young Emulate God “Jesus is not the Lord of comfort, security, and ease. Following Jesus demands a good dose of courage.” —Pope Francis at a prayer vigil at the thirty-first World Youth Day (WYD), Krakow, Poland, July 30, 2016 At this event in St. John Paul II’s home...

Liguorian is Honored at 2018 CPA Awards

Liguorian Honored

Liguorian maintained its award-winning status at the June 2018 Catholic Press Association conference in Green Bay, WI. Liguorian received three awards for content published in 2017, including first place for Best Seasonal Issue or Section. The magazine’s honors, summarized below, were presented by the CPA, a trade association serving and...

The Joyful Mysteries: A Guide for Families

The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

A Guide for Our Families Mary can help us understand the meaning of our experiences and hear the message God wishes to communicate through the life of our families Surrounded by admirers since he was first elected, Pope Francis says he feels like a grandfather when youths lean close to...

Our Role in God’s Peace Plan

We can even bring light to that deep, dark place called terrorism Our series on peace, which we began in January 2018 with “Lighting the Way to Interfaith Peace,” now examines ways to counter one of the darkest of dark places—terrorism—with the peace of Christ. “Even though I walk through...

Baclaran Shrine

Magnifying the Lord

By Fr. Joseph Echano, CSsR My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,” declares the Blessed Virgin Mary during her visitation to her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:46). These are the opening words to the song of Mary, “The Magnificat” or “The Canticle of Mary.” Mary, whose soul magnifies the Lord, epitomizes...

The Twelve Feast Days of Christmas

Liturgically speaking, a smorgasbord follows the nativity of the lord. The stores and malls are decorated in green and red. Lighted Santas and reindeer adorn the lawns and rooftops of the neighborhood. Cookies and gingerbread are baking in the oven and the TV shopping channels are hawking trees, ornaments and...

Mindfully Catholic

Stressed out? Deepen your relationship with Jesus with practical methods of prayer. Stephen Muff Every year since 2007, the American Psychological Association has surveyed the country’s anxiety. This year broke the record. Americans are seeking remedies. More and more, people are turning toward the Buddhist concept of mindfulness, New Age...

New Orleans, LA

Remoulade & Ramos: A Love Story to New Orleans

Celebrate a city of culture and diversity with a rich history and deep faith. In 2018, New Orleans celebrates its tricentennial year. Liguorian’s award-winning fiction piece Remoulade and Ramos is a tale told by Louisiana native, Byron Miller, CSsR that skillfully weaves a young man’s rite of passage in with...

Jean Vanier and Carol St. Laurent

Jean Vanier: Forging Arks of Amity

C.S. As we face the war on terror, the terror of war, and hatred among religions and races, now more than ever we must heed God’s call to peace. But how do we accomplish such a monumental feat? For answers, I turned to Jean Vanier, a hero of faith, humanitarian...

Lentil and Rice Loaf

The vegetarian equivalent of meat loaf—perfect for the Lenten season. From A Monastery Kitchen: The Classic Natural Foods Cookbook Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette Ingredients: 1 cup of lentils 1 cup of rice Olive oil 4 cups of water 1 large onion, sliced 2 tomatoes, chopped 10 mushrooms, sliced 2 garlic cloves,...