Category: Web Only

Illustrations of the Holy Spirit

“When we pray, or are faced with a difficult decision, how can we know if the words or thoughts that enter our mind are from the Holy Spirit, or just our own thoughts? In other words, how can we recognize when it is the Holy Spirit present, speaking to us,...

The Marriage Annulments

By: D.F. Miller April, 1950 Is a marriage annulment, in the Caholic Church, practically the same as divorce outside the Church? Can almost anyone get one? Does money have anything to do with it? Many foolish suspicions and false statements will be avoided by those who know the following facts....

Living the Second Half of Life

By: Kathleen Fischer November 1999 One of the most remarkable changes in our society is that we are living much longer than earlier generations. In 1900, life expectancy at birth was less than 50 years, but a girl born today can expect to live to age 79, and a boy...

Reclaiming Sex as Sacred

By Helen Alvare July-August 1999 “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and the two shall become one fless.” (Mark 10:6-8) Click here to read the entire article  

The Glory of Faith

  By Frank R. Iacono In a spot experience I had awhile ago, I was drawn to see and consider the merits of divine faith in elevating life. On that particular day, I had just about ended my usual visit to a family relation at her nursing residence. Before leaving,...


The Mission of Liguori Publications and Liguorian Liguori Publications, a Roman Catholic company, furthers the mission of the Redemptorists founded in 1732 by Saint Alphonsus Liguori whose mission is to spread the Gospel to the poor and most abandoned by providing resources and fostering community to accompany the people of...

Life’s Mountains

Written by: Nanci Mascia When life’s mountains come your way There is one thing I can say. Take the hand of the one you love, And climb each threshold, Till you’re high above As you climb, your tears will flow And as you stumble, you’ll feel, you can’t go on...

How To Be Stunningly Beautiful

Written by Jim Auer Published April 1998  A certain national magazine publishes an issue each year featuring “the fifty most beautiful people” in the country. Did you know that there are at least two hundred thirteen varieties of products to make your face beautiful? And that doesn’t include makeup! Click...

More Than Coffee and Doughnuts

A Parish Hospitality Check List Published September 2010 Written by Sister Brenda Hermann, MSVT and Monsignor James Gaston For Christians, hospitality is empowered by the Holy Spirit. It is understood to be the desire to welcome others, to share one’s concern, time, love, personal space and resources with another without...

A Time for Joy

Written by Edward R. Walsh Published April 1987 Liguorian received a lot of letters, (positive and negative) in response to this cover. This article explores the portrayal of Jesus as a joyful person who must have found great joy in the gifts of God. Click here to read the full...

Can Catholics Disagree with Church Teachings?

Written by Richard R. Gaillardetz, Ph.D September 2003 Being Catholic means a lot more than simply subscribing to a set of beliefs. Our identity as Catholic Christains is shaped by many things. The obligation that Catholics have toward a particular teaching of the Church depends on the nature of the...

Christmas: God is For Us and With Us

Written by Kathy Coffey Originally published in December 2000 Surveying the wreckage of our world, the failures and disappointments in our personal life, we may overlook the evidence that God is for us. Seeking such evidence can be a fruitful Advent project. For us, as for the Magi, the search...

Removing the Stigma of Mental Illness

Written by Martha Manning July-August 1999 The biggest culprit contributing to the stigma associated with mental illness isn’t cruelty, but ignorance. The shame is another story. It’s not in my head; it’s in my gut, in my bones. I suffered from depression so severe that I couldn’t eat or sleep. I...

Life and Death The Daily Paradox

Written by Thomas Moore February 2000 As Plato Freud, and many other thinkers have said, death is not only the literal end of life; it is a theme that may give daily experience certain qualities associated with death. For Freud, the death instinct was an emotional attempt to return to...

Puberty, Popcorn, and Paternal Love

Written by Robert I. Craig July-August 2002 My friend’s daughter and my daughter have entered puberty. My friend and I laugh-if we don’t laugh, we’ll cry-about how unpredictable our daughter’s behavior can sometimes be. Click here to read the full article

Father Ari and the Missing Tree

Written by Joseph M. Malham December 2001 (based on a true story) Father Ari Damaskos has always loved Christmas. If he could, he would celebrate it every day of the year, not because of the gifts and parties and childlike sense of excitement, but because of the love and peace...

Violence Up Close and Personal

Written by Martha Manning July-August 2000 After a school shooting occurs in a middl-to-upper-middle-class area a statement commonly heard is: “I never thought it could happen here.” Click here to read the entire article

When A Child Dies

Written by Martha Manning November 2000 Knowing about death and loss on an intellectual level never prepares us for the emotional upheaval of the actual experience. Click here to read the entire article