Category: The Lighter Side

If you have jokes or funny stories you’d like to share, please email them for consideration to, or mail them to Liguorian Editor, One Liguori Drive, Liguori, MO 63057.

January-February 2024 The Lighter Side

Snow Daze A first-grade teacher was helping a pupil put on his boots. Even with her pulling and him pushing, the little boots didn’t want to go on easily. After they finally got the second boot on, the little boy said, “Teacher, they’re on the wrong feet.” They were. Unfortunately,...

November-December 2023 The Lighter Side

Many Happy Returns Miserly Ebenezer sent everyone in his family this (free) email message: “To the thirty of you who received best-selling novels from me as Christmas gifts: It may interest you to know that they are all due back at the library next Friday!”

September-October 2023 The Lighter Side

School Daze  On the first day of school, a new second-grade student entered the classroom and handed the teacher a note that read: “Dear Teacher, the opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his exasperated parents. Thank you in advance for your patience.” To read more, subscribe...

December 2015 The Lighter Side

Out of the Crayons of Babes Christmas approached, a Sunday school teacher asked the children in her class to draw pictures of the Nativity scene. The children eagerly began to draw pictures of the stable, Mary, and Joseph, Baby Jesus, the shepherds, the wise men, and animals. She noticed that...

May-June 2015

She’s Doing What!? A mother and her youngest daughter wrote out the Ten Commandments and posted them in their home. Not long after, the youngest reported that her older sister was sinning. The mother asked why, and she replied, “She is committing adultery.” Later, the parents had a private conversation...

April 2015

Think About These… In the midst of darkness, Jesus is still the light. You don’t need collateral to borrow trouble. God gives us a face but we must choose the expression. Don’t worry about tomorrow. You did that yesterday.” Sign in a Pennsylvania cemetery: “Persons are prohibited from picking flowers except...

September 2014

Heavenly rank My father was stationed at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, NY, when I was a young girl. Every “Army brat” who lived on the post was very aware of the acronym R.H.I.P., which means, “Rank has its privileges.” My mother taught a religion class at the Catholic...

July-August 2014

Editor’s note: Readers submitted the following content. Points to Ponder When I was young, it would be so quiet in church that you could hear a sin drop!   A young boy was scolded by his mother for having his fingers in the butter—“Jimmy! What did I say I’d do...

March 2014

A painter always had plenty of work because he thinned his paint with water, so he was always the lowest bidder on jobs. One day a church invited bids for the exterior of the church to be repainted. Again, he was the low bidder and won the job. As he...

January 2014

 For their anniversary a couple went out for a rare romantic dinner. When they returned home, their teenage daughters had set the dining room table with china, crystal, and candles, and had left a note saying, “Dessert is in the refrigerator. We’re staying with friends, so go ahead and do something...

December 2013

Two young boys were spending the night with their grandparents. At bedtime they knelt to say their prayers. The younger one began praying at the top of his lungs, “I PRAY FOR A NEW BICYCLE, I PRAY FOR A NEW X-BOX, I PRAY FOR A NEW DVD….” His older brother...

July-August 2013

 A little boy asked his grandpa how old he was. Grandpa teasingly replied, “I’m not sure.” To which the little boy advised, “Look in your underwear, Grandpa. Mine says I’m 4 to 6!” A teacher asked her students to write a sentence about a public servant. One boy wrote, “The...

May-June 2013

  A conceited rookie pitcher walked five men in his first game. The manager promptly removed him from the mound. The rookie slammed his glove on the ground and yelled, “I can’t believe he took me out—I had a no-hitter going!” A little boy asked, “Grandma, do you know how...