Cover Story
10 When Scandal Strikes: Part 1: The Church in Crisis, Now and Then, Fr. Daniel J. Harrington, SJ
14 Part 2: A Bishop’s Call to Action, Bishop Randolph Calvo
9 The Cross of Christ: Poem, Glenda Wiegard
16 “We Belong to God and Each Other”: Profiles in Service: Helping establish a more humane world
18 A Journey of Discernment: Entering the heart of Christ the Priest, Mary Ann Reese
22 Earth’s Melancholy Song: It’s our job to turn the planet’s tune of grief to one of joy., Elizabeth A. Johnson, CSJ
26 A Prayer of Petition to Care for Creation
28 “Holy Ground”: Profile: San Alfonso Retreat House offers visitors a place to unwind and rest.
30 Unwanted: Fiction: Prussian migrants keep hope alive despite conditions., Carol A. Strazer
35 Something Greater: Meditation: A young woman pays homage to Nonna., Lauren Signorelli
2 From the Editor: Lucy moments , Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher: Unsurprising imperfections, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: Wounds at Easter, Barbara Hughes
8 Plain Talk: Resurrecting neighborhoods….. Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
21 Faith Hits Home: Of egg hunts and Alleluias!…. Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
27 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: Promises made, Promises kept, Carol Monaco
In Every Issue
4 Contributors
4 Mail
34 Around the Table
36 A Word from the Pope
36 Bible Quiz
37 Catholic Crossword
38 On the Shelf
39 On the Screen
39 Game Answers
40 The Lighter Side