Cover Story
10 Cultivating Empathy: We agents of Jesus must empty ourselves of ego to take on the pain of others, Mark C. McCann
16 Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: The story of a young Italian’s lifetime of generosity, Dawn Peterman Allred-Kraemer, PhD
19 Serving with Gratitude: Profiles in Service: “God’s goodness will go on!” Fr. David Polek, CSsR
20 Tireless Minister of Mercy: COVID-19 triggers memories of a priest’s service in a crisis, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
24 Jesus Lives on Colfax Avenue: A beacon of hope on the “wickedest street” in America, Robert I. Craig
27 Last One Standing Meditation: What’s next? Sue Rice
28 Catholics for Change: Profile: Group spawned by tragedies serves to revitalize the faith
30 Bringing Hope to the Louisiana Delta, Sr. Bernie Barrett, SHSP
33 Getting Through It: Fiction: We know neither the day nor the hour, Gregg Heid
36 A Prayer for These Times, St. Augustine
39 Fragments: Poem, Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
2 From the Editor: The Cherished Familiar, Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher: Post-lockdown Liturgies, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: The Graces of Commitment, Barbara Hughes
8 Plain Talk: Missing Essentials ….. Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
15 Faith Hits Home: A Time to Clean…. Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
23 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: Our Prayers Matter, Carol Monaco
In Every Issue
4 Contributors
4 Mail
36 Bible Quiz
37 Catholic Crossword
38 On the Shelf
38 Game Answers
40 The Lighter Side