Cover Story
10 The Faithful Vote: Taking a well-informed conscience to the polls, Michael Wright
16 Lean on Jesus: Understanding grief and faith development stages help us work through our pain, Mary Ann Reese
20 In Houses of God: Beauty, Culture Unite Pictorial: Spanish religious sites in New Mexico adorn a stunning landscape, Jeff Black
22 The Glories of Recovery: Catholic faith can help addicts become, stay sober and live in joy, Paul Sofranco
25 The Confessional: “What the devil?” Meditation, Anonymous
26 Suicide: An Epidemic Amidst a Pandemic: The declining role of God is a factor in this crisis, doctors contend, Ray Cavanaugh
30 “The Sum of Our Years” Profiles in Service: A “tough German” celebrates a diamond anniversary at 96
32 We’ll Be Waiting: Fiction, Rebecca L. Monroe
39 From Ground Zero: Poem, Glenda Wiegard
2 From the Editor: Shifting smoothly , Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher: Confessions of a Southern white man , Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: Many questions, one good answer, Barbara Hughes
8 Plain Talk: Auditing racism ….. Most Rev. Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
14 Faith Hits Home: A time of surrender, Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
15 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: A prayer for anxiety, Br. Daniel Korn, CSsR
In Every Issue
4 Contributors
4 Mail
35 Around the Table
36 A Word from the Pope
36 Bible Quiz
37 Catholic Crossword
38 On the Shelf
38 Game Answers
40 The Lighter Side