Cover Story
10 A Real Wonder Woman: Mary of Magdala blazes our trail to Easter, Kathleen M. Murphy
14 God Is My Co-Parent: Life with kids zooms by, so watch for the Lord’s gifts of great worth, Dawn Allred-Kraemer, PhD
18 Power Equal to the Task: Simon’s journey up Golgotha carries meaning for all with crosses to bear, Bob Blundell
24 “Salvation Is Not about Saving My Soul.” Profiles in Service: A retired teacher tells what she learned from others.
26 Kind Words Echo: Meditation, Laura Lee Perkins
27 Stewardship of the Earth: Simple Things to Do for Others: How to save 1,800 gallons of water and two dozen more tips,
Liguori Publications Staff
28 Life Begins at 130: Fiction, Jennifer Leeper
34 Hope Blossoms: Book Excerpt: Spring Meditations, John Bartunek, LC, StHD
39 The Servant Girl at Emmaus: Poem, Denise Levertov
2 From the Editor: Liguorian’s first-everReaders’ Choice Awards , Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher: “The best name for God”, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: Remember who we are , María Ruiz Scaperlanda
8 Plain Talk: New-look, hybrid parishes ….. Most Reverend Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
22 Faith Hits Home: In Jesus’ passion and today’s crisis, we find one holy presence, Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
23 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: Wed to a heavenly plan, Carol Monaco
In Every Issue
4 Mail, Contributors
32 Game Answers
36 Bible Quiz
36 Prayer and Blessing
37 Catholic Crossword
38 Around the Table
40 The Lighter Side