Cover Story
10 Persevering for Peace; Stories from the field of life spotlight how peace can triumph in the face of family problems, massive threats, and senselessness. Carole St. Laurent
14 Old Money: Of Shekels and Drachmas; Coins of antiquity lead to a richer understanding of Jesus and his times. Fr. John Kingsbury, CSsR
17 Giving Tuesday; A special day for helping nonprofits: November 27, 2018
17 “Thin Places”; Poem. Robert D. Johnson
18 Henriette Delille: Serving the Poorest of the Poor; Of African descent, she started a community of sisters in the 1800s. Virginia Gould
26 Musings of a Preacher; Tackling questions about the homily. Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
28 Finding Hope from God; Vocation Story: “Hope comes from knowing we do have answers.” Deacon Brian Selsor
30 National Association of Shrine and Pilgrimage Apostolate; Profile: Encouraging deep, divine encounters
32 Third Confession; Fiction. Ray McGinley
35 Finding Joy, Even After a Loss; Meditation. Gretchen L. Schwenker
2 From the Editor; God’s awesome landscape. Elizabeth A. Herzing
5 From the President and Publisher; Regiving. Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It; Jesus: Our guide on the path to perfection. Barbara Hughes
8 Plain Talk; The Church and the Twelve Steps. … Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
13 The Redeemer, Mary, and You; A source of healing. Br. Daniel Korn, CSsR
21 Faith Hits Home; Finding truth amid animosity. Emily Blasik
29 Dear Padre; A new earth and a new heaven. The Redemptorists
In Every Issue
4 Mail
36 Bible Quiz
36 Around the Table; Prayer
37 Catholic Crossword
38 On the Shelf
38 On the Screen
39 Around the Table; A Recipe “Made With Love”
40 Lighter Side; Word Game Answers