10 Saint Patrick: His little-known true story of courage—in his own words, Dawn Allred-KraEmer, PhD
14 Shedding Light on Our Faith: Luminous Mysteries “bring out the Christological depth of the rosary.” Sara Beth Meyer
18 Profiles in Service: We Can’t Tell God “Not Yet” Forever, God is good all the time!” Deacon Gary Thomas Levy
20 Long-hauling: An inside view from a long-term COVID-19 patient, Jim Auer
26 Pip Brennan: He elevated Mardi Gras and fine dining in the French Quarter, Fr. Byron Miller, CSSR
30 Meditation: The World on a Cross: An intricate sculpture invites you to Christ and those he loves, text and art by francisca
32 Fiction: Friendship Keepers, Sorry! is more than a board game, little girls learn. It’s a big word! Ronica Stromberg
35 Simple Things to Do for Others: Lenten Graces, Liguori Publications Staff
38 Liguori Publications 75th Anniversary: In the 1960’s: Answering the Anxious
2 From the Editor: Results of the “Greater Good” Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher : People of the Lies, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: His Name, Our Answer, María Ruiz Scaperlanda
7 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: Exemplars of Commitment, Carol Monaco
8 Plain Talk: Fuel for Renewal, Most Reverend Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
9 Faith Hits Home: Creating a Clean Start, Sarah Christmyer
In Every Issue
4 Columnists
4 Mail
25 Around the Table
36 Word Search
36 Scripture Scoop
37 Catholic Crossword
40 The Lighter Side