9 Movie Review: Father Stu: Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson star in a film about the power of redemption,
Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
10 Awaken to a Life in Christ: Vatican II called laity to “the fullness of Christian life”; laypeople now play essential roles in the Church, Bonnie Lemelle Abadie
14 Agony in the Garden: A painting and a poem invite us to explore Gethsemane, francisca
16 Praying through Chaos: Weaving prayer into the tapestry of your day, Sara Beth Meyer
22 World Ignores Persecution of Christians in Nigeria: And that nation’s government does little to stem the atrocities,
Ray Cavanaugh
26 Profiles in Service: Christ “Frees Us from the Prison of Our Shame” “I have experienced what perfect love is.”
Deacon Billy Chen
28 Meditation: Our Lord as Guest and Host: Christ teaches us how to fulfill both important roles, Bernadeane M. Carr, STL
30 Fiction: It Can Happen to Anyone: But homelessness isn’t hopelessness. Just ask little Brianna and her folks,
34 Simple Things to Do for yourself: Building Spirituality, Liguori Publications Staff
2 From the Editor: Stormy Thinking, Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher : An Imbalanced Approach, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: Omnipresent Grace, María Ruiz Scaperlanda
8 Plain Talk: Tempered Joy at the Vigil, Most Reverend Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
21 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: Love Like Mary, Br. Larry Lujan, CSsR
29 Faith Hits Home: Skinned Knees and Glory, Sarah Christmyer
In Every Issue
4 Columnists
4 Mail
35 Around the Table
36 Word Search
36 Scripture Scoop
37 Catholic Crossword
40 The Lighter Side