9 Poem: So Many Simple Wishes…Hopes…Prayers, Michael T. Best
10 A Whirlwind of Care and Hope: An inside look at the cosmos of wounded kids at children’s hospitals with a chaplain who was there, Fr. Denis Ryan, CsSr
18 Meditation: The Joyful Noise of Faith and Music: Our virtuoso Creator hardwired both into us so we’d use them in harmony, Sara Beth Meyer
20 Julian of Norwich: Her Positive View of God: A mystic casts light on the grace of God and the dance of joy and sorrow, Kathy Coffey
24 Profiles in Service: Servant…Deacon…Author “I receive more than I…will ever be able to give.” Deacon Dennis Lambert
28 Joseph: A Quiet Presence: A homage to the spouse of Mary in art and verse, francisca
30 Fiction: An Awakening: A teenage girl learns the meaning of true love, Charlene Hoyt
2 From the Editor : “Choosy” Readers Wanted: Time to make your selections in the Readers’ Choice Awards, Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher: Pushing America’s Business Envelope: Companies climb a mountain of red tape, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: New Seasons, Fresh Color: What is God asking of you as you open new doors? María Ruiz Scaperlanda
8 Plain Talk: Forever Fatima: Invasion shows the message of our Lady is always needed, Most Reverend Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
16 Faith Hits Home: Talk to Your Mother: Rest in the word of God with Mother Mary, Sarah Christmyer
26 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: How Do We Renew? Our Blessed Mother: Conduit to the Holy Trinity, Carol Monaco
In Every Issue
4 Columnists
4 Mail
35 Around the Table
38 Word Search
38 Scripture Scoop
39 Catholic Crossword
40 The Lighter Side