10 Listening “The highest form of love.”—Paul Tillich, philosopher, Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
16 Christ Lives in the Mundane: To develop your devotion to Christ alone, put our Lord in all your tasks, Jim Still-Pepper
20 Profiles in Service “Prayer Is Our Consent to God’s Presence in Us.” “I’m both the newest and oldest” man at the seminary studying for the priesthood. —Deacon Bruce Scott
22 The Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption: A priest’s homage to Christ in stone, Peter Mayeux
27 Simple Things to Do for Others: Ways to Give Kids a Mental Boost, Liguori Publications Staff
28 Meditation: Faith in God’s Unconditional Love: Our Creator’s gift nourishes three relationships Christ said we need, Charlie Young
30 Fiction: Strangers No More: Gifts shared, a bond sealed, Sheila m. Cronin
2 From the Editor: Stay Steadfast in Trials, Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher: Hollywood’s Violent Streak, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: Mirroring Life Step by Step, María Ruiz Scaperlanda
8 Plain Talk: The Fruit Seniors Bear, Most Reverend Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
15 Faith Hits Home: Lessons of a Fallen Tree, Sarah Christmyer
26 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: The Strength of Mary, Br. Larry Lujan, CSsR
In Every Issue
4 Columnists
4 Mail
34 Around the Table
36 Word Search
36 Scripture Scoop
37 Catholic Crossword
40 The Lighter Side