Feature Story
10 New Series: Timeless Wisdom for Troubled Times: The four pillars of our Catechism matter more to our world than ever. First of five articles, Sara Beth Meyer
14Paradise Lost: Authors help people cope with tragedies.
16 Blessed Francis Seelos: A Shining Light of Everyday Pastoral Care: With zeal, he met the spiritual and temporal needs of ordinary folks.
17 Blessed Francis Seelos: A Great Treasure of Humility. During US Civil War, he conferred with Lincoln, served people in poverty, Robert L. Worden, PhD
20 “The Hard Is What Makes It Great!” Can redemptive suffering lead to big-league love? Robert I. Craig R
25 Rhythmical Heartbeats Restored, Poem: “With the help of your grace, there will be no remorse.” Dorothy Allen
26The Co-Redemptorist Association Profile: Supporting the Redemptorists who say, “Send me!”
30 Opening the Door to Humility, Meditation: “From the desire…From the fear…Deliver me, Jesus.” Katherine Carlman
32 Candy Shoppe Memories, Fiction: “How I love the written word, be it on granite or tablet.” Ken Neuser, PhD
2 From the Editor: Our mission in a wounded world, Elizabeth A. Herzing
5 From the President and Publisher:Come to the water, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: Reach out, build community, Barbara Hughes
8 Plain Talk: Why I miss Mother Teresa, Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
19 Morality Matters: The joy of Christian morality, Fr. Stephen T. Rehrauer, CSsR
28 Faith Hits Home:How can we help those who have lost a loved one?……Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
29 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: Let us promise, Carol Monaco
In Every Issue
4 Mail
36 Bible Quiz
36 New Wise Words
37 Catholic Crossword
38 On the Shelf
39 Around the Table
40 The Lighter Side
40 Game solutions