Cover Story
10 Seasons of Glory: The cycles of God’s “cathedrals of nature” herald the changes
we feel during the deepening stages of prayer, Barbara Hughes
16 “I Believe…”Catechism’s “Profession of Faith” states our core beliefs in Timeless Wisdom for Troubled Times, part 2 of 5, Sara Beth Meyer
22 His Artful Irish Eyes Are Smiling: Profile: Oblate connects souls with art,Steve Givens
26 The Upside of Suffering: Meditation, Michael T. Best
28 Immigration: A Journey Toward Compassion: Welcoming immigrants opens door to solidarity, Fr. John Fahey-Guerra, CSsR
32 Disappearing Footprints: Fiction: Finding faith in unsolvable mysteries,Bob Blundell
2 From the Editor: Bring back common sense,Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher: Tremors in the Church, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: An empty stomach can yield a full heart,Barbara Hughes
8 Plain Talk: What if “it” happens in God’s house?…..,Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
15 Faith Hits Home:A season for turning……, Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
20 Morality Matters:Art as a medical-ethics guide……., Fr. Mark Miller,
21 The Redeemer, Mary, and You
In Every Issue
4 Mail
4 Contributors
25 Around the Table
36 Bible Quiz
36 Wise Words
37 Catholic Crossword
38 On the Shelf
39 Game Answers
40 The Lighter Side