7 Psalm 24:1, Illustrated: “The earth is the Lord’s and all it holds, the world and those who dwell in it.”Photo by Boon Vong
16 Graced for Life: Sacraments examined in “Celebration of the Christian Mystery,” part three of Timeless Wisdom for Troubled Times,Sara Beth Meyer
20 Hinduism: Teachings on Life’s Trials: Learn about one of our planet’s oldest religions; a billion identify with it, Peter A. Huff PhD
24 Morphing to Landmark 65, and Why I Love It! Meditation, Deb Palmer
26 The Wonder of Jesus’ Sorrowful Mysteries: Understanding his five agonizing mysteries open the door to Easter victory, Sara Beth Meyer
30 Marian LibraryProfile: A visit to the University of Dayton and all things Mary
32 “Then I Saw Her Face, Now I’m a Believer!” Fiction, Jim Auer
2 From the Editor: Vive la différence: Thoughts on men and women, Elizabeth A. Herzing-Gebhart
5 From the President and Publisher: A high degree of certainty: The facts, Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
6 Just Live It: Sharing in Jesus’ glorified wounds, Barbara Hughes
8 Plain Talk: Our Church’s race to the past, Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, CSsR
14 Morality Matters “The heart of the Christian message”, Fr. Stephen Rehrauer, CSsR
15 Faith Hits Home: The first to see our risen Lord: A poem, Bonnie LeMelle Abadie
25 The Redeemer, Mary, and You: What is
In Every Issue
4 Contributors
4 Mail
29 Around the Table
36 Bible Quiz
36 Wise Words
37 Catholic Crossword
38 On the Shelf
39 On the Screen
39 Game Answers
40 The Lighter Side