Faith-Filled Women
The theme of this month’s issue—faith-filled women—feels very familiar to me. I’ve been surrounded by faith-filled women my entire life. Maybe you have, too.
While my father was an important and devoted presence, my mother and aunt taught me the day-to-day application of my faith. My wife’s quiet and practical faith is evident daily in how she makes the world and our home better places.
In the gradual decline of our parents’ health, my sister demonstrated the sweetness of a constant faith in God’s plan. She visited them daily for hours at a time in their nursing home, finding joy amid the pain and sorrow. I suspect that your experience is similar—the faithful women in your life bring something special to it.
The Catholic Church holds that only men can become ordained priests and celebrate the sacraments. That is the ministerial priesthood. But the Church also holds that, through our baptism, every Catholic—women, men, and children—participate in “the priesthood of the faithful.”
There is wholeness in embracing all of us into that priesthood. Every priest offers sacrifices and prayers. The women in our lives—mothers, aunts, wives, sisters, daughters, friends, and colleagues—continually offer sacrifices and prayers that bring consolation, hope and encouragement to our lives.
Whether through their ministries, their prayerfulness, the way they pass on the tradition, or their silent witness, the women in our lives enrich the Church and its people. I know I am a better man and a better Catholic because of the women in my life.
As you read this issue, please consider what you see that reminds you of the faith-filled women who have touched your lives. Feel free to share your experience by sending us a letter or an email. What do you like about Liguorian and Liguori Publications? What would you like to change? We’re eager to hear from you. Please feel free to write me directly at Thanks.