Global Good News
September 2010 Calendar
3–Saint Gregory the Great, pope and doctor of the Church
8–Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9–Saint Peter Claver, priest
13–Saint John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor of the Church
14–Exaltation of the Holy Cross
15–Our Lady of Sorrows
16–Saint Cornelius, pope and martyr, and Saint Cyprian, bishop and martyr
20–Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, priest and martyr, and Saint Paul Chong Hasang, martyr, and their companions, martyrs
21–Saint Matthew, apostle and evangelist
23–Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, priest
27–Saint Vincent de Paul, priest
29–Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint Raphael, archangels
30–Saint Jerome, priest and doctor of the Church