The recent article titled “Why Should You Go To Mass?” (September 2018), is greatly helpful and instructive. For me it reiterates in clearer terms why I have chosen my whole life to go to Mass. The article also helps me as a parent, grandparent, and one who works professionally with young people. The old formulas and methods of evangelization are much less effective when viewed alone. As we go forward, the painful and joyful realities of life are to be met with the attitude of Christ’s heart—not merely an intellectual assent. Our eucharistic community, indeed, mediates that grace to express the love that is Christ’s heart and that I want to be part of. Why do I go to Mass? As Fr. Malloy’s mother said, “Because I need it.”
Tom L., MI
Thank you for your magazine! I look forward to it and reread it many times. It is truly refreshing to me! The poem by Bonnie LeMelle Abadie, “Open the Door” (September 2018), reminded me that we really need to get past the platitudes of the immigration crisis and focus on the real issue at hand: How does the country let the good people in while keeping criminal problems out? This conversation will only move forward when we address the deeper issues. Assuming that those in authority are just mean or uncaring only stops progress; it is a disservice to the complexity of this issue. Let’s go deeper!
Rita S., OH
The article “Living in God’s State of Peace,” (July-August 2018) was interesting, including the line that reads: “…the atrocities committed against Nagasaki and Hiroshima….”
Are you serious? Aren’t these the people who started the war in the Pacific? The people who butchered thousands of Chinese in Nanking? The people who pushed civilians off the cliffs of Saipan? The people who told the military to slaughter all Allied prisoners the moment the Allies landed on the home islands? Even after the atomic bombs were dropped, the Japanese military did all it could to prevent the emperor from surrendering.
In my opinion, those two bombs saved a million Japanese lives, a quarter- to a half-million Allied lives, and prevented two million more casualties. Recall that Stalin did not demobilize his army as we did after World War II. Our possession of those weapons and our ability to deliver them is all that kept him from overrunning all of Western Europe.
Henry K., KY