Making Change
As we ring in this new year, we are given the opportunity to change our behaviors or attitudes. Catholics, of course, are encouraged to throw themselves wholeheartedly into this practice during Lent. However, counsel from all corners tells us there’s no time like the present to begin. So, too, with Liguorian.
Liguorian made some design changes last fall, and with this January issue, you’ll find two new columns and a few new regular features. Join Kathleen M. Basi as she tackles the daily task of living out her faith life in her new column “Just Live It” or Michael Prendergast as he explores Catholicism in “Faith in Motion.”
In addition, each issue will have a more focused orientation (for example, in this issue we treat “faith and health care”). While all the articles and columns are not strict in their treatment of the theme, we hope to strike the right balance so Liguorian retains enough variety to be a general-interest magazine while cross-pollinating the Good News more intentionally. We have had some good brainstorming sessions and feel confident in what you will find between our covers in 2012. Readers have never hesitated in giving us feedback; so please, there’s no reason to stop now!
As we reflect back, we wish to extend our gratitude to Paige Byrne Shortal and her commitment the past four years to steadfastly producing a column that engaged the Scriptures for Liguorian readers. Thank you.
The feast of Saint John Neumann is this month. Neumann was a bishop of Philadelphia, a leader in Catholic education, and a promoter of Catholic identity in the mid-1800s. Our Redemptorist community considers him one of the giants who helped shape the identity of the United States Catholic Church at a crucial time. As you make your resolutions, I invite you to think about your Catholic identity and to consider the ways in which to use this opportunity to make change.
Happy New Year!