May-June 2013
Kudos to you for featuring an article with teeth in it. I’m referring to “Blessed are the Peacemakers” by Bishop Anthony Taylor (January).
Those of us in his diocese know that Bishop Taylor walks the walk. What is so difficult about loving our brothers and sisters? Do we think Jesus was just joking? I have been a subscriber since the 1970s, and I recall a cover picture of Jesus with his head thrown back and laughing heartily. That picture drew letters of protest, but I certainly would love to see a reprint.–M. Randazzo, AR
I am becoming increasingly disappointed with some of the articles written for the instruction of laypeople. Why can’t these articles be written so we can understand them? In my opinion, the worst has been “Vatican II Meets Modern Life” (February).
I consider myself to be fairly intelligent. I read a lot, can work crossword puzzles, and have a well-worn dictionary. But articles written in such “high style” leave me baffled. I get nothing from them. I spend all of my time looking up words that are not in the dictionary.–E. Pratt, KS
Please forgive my exceptional tardiness in extending congratulations to you and all the staff at Liguorian on one hundred years of publishing. What a remarkable, stellar record resting on the shoulders of generations of dedicated Redemptorists! It’s been a privilege to write for Liguori Publications and Liguorian since 1978. Thank you.–J. Auer, OH