Sonnets for Church Seasons
Journey through the liturgical seasons of the Catholic Church with inspiring poems and photos. Pause, immersing yourself in prayerful reflection. Then, during each liturgical season in real time, meditate anew with this piece to enrich your experience with God.
Advent through Christmastide
Rejoice, my Soul, in promises of spring,
in warm caresses, which the youthful sun
is showering the earth with. Gladden, sing:
The Virgin will conceive and bear a son!
Kings will abandon kingdoms, shepherds—herds,
and hope in wretched hearts will be instilled.
Blessed is she who trusted that the words
God spoke to her, in truth would be fulfilled.
Have faith, my Soul, in what is yet unseen—
existent nonetheless—an unborn child
who grows inside the womb. My Soul, stay keen
to trust in the Most High, His mercy mild,
in myst’ry that unfolds before your eyes,
in daffodils that from the snow arise.
In daffodils that from the snow arise
life’s victory is clear. The firstborn Son,
laid in a manger, will with fire baptize,
one with the Father, with the Spirit one.
Believe in Him who champions the least,
the doubting demons cast away, my Soul,
the best of wines drink at the wedding feast
to steadfast faith that makes the broken whole.
Believe in Him who cures, at whose command
a lame man walks, a blind man sees the light.
Believe, my Soul—don’t seek to understand—
as you believe in sunshine, day, and night,
in crystal morns that with beginnings ring,
in homeward birds of passage on the wing.
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