Tagged: grief

Eschatology: The Last Four Things

Question: What are the four last things to be ever remembered?Answer: The four last things to be ever remembered are Death, Judgment, Hell, and Heaven. —The Penny Catechism It is a widely accepted axiom among people in publishing circles that books about cooking and dieting routinely draw a far greater...

“Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home…”

In this life, we see only fragments of God’s plan. God sees the whole of his creation, and it is good. Holding nine-day-old baby Peter, my daughter Sharla lingered with me at the table in her Chicago town-home kitchen. Her husband, David, washed lunch remainders from three-year-old Michael’s face. The...

On Loss, Love, Hope

A story of how one couple follows the example of our risen Lord, even when their pain seems unimaginable. It was the phone call every parent dreads. In the early-evening hours on the last day of 2014, the police called a close friend of mine with tragic news. A driver...

When A Child Dies

Written by Martha Manning November 2000 Knowing about death and loss on an intellectual level never prepares us for the emotional upheaval of the actual experience. Click here to read the entire article