Tagged: the icon

A Jubilee of Thanksgiving-The Icon

Redemptorists invite Liguorian readers to join them in the preparations leading to June 27, 2016—the 150th anniversary of the celebration of our order’s charge to restore public veneration to the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Please help us continue the worldwide celebration that began April 26 by praying...

The Spiritual and Mystical Experience

Veneration of the icon means focusing our attention on a specific element, such as Mary’s face or her right hand, which points to the image of the Child—any aspect that communicates an exchange of energy, a divine presence. The icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help presents no written words...

The Icon: Its Miraculous Power

July-August 2014 The Miraculous Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is the official title of this famous image of Mary. An icon is called miraculous when, through the prayers, devotion, and the sincere faith of those who come to the person represented in the icon, miracles occur. Not because...