The Glorious Mysteries: A Meditative Guide to Easter
As we live out the mysteries of our faith during the approaching Easter season, the rosary offers a beautiful, meditative guide, inviting us to reconsider specific events and revisit familiar themes of salvation history. Journeying through Lent toward Easter, we have yearned to see Jesus rise triumphantly above a world of sin and suffering to offer hope to us all. After persevering for forty days, we join in the great fifty-day ”Alleluia!” of the Glorious Mysteries.
True to the name, the Glorious Mysteries are indeed the most magnificent, beginning with Christ’s victory over death and culminating in the coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven. Described as the “school of Mary” by St. John Paul II, the rosary is where we learn about Mary and learn from her, especially if we maintain the approach that Jesus requires, regarding ourselves as very little children (On the Holy Rosary [Rosarium Virginis Mariae], Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17). Like little ones on Easter morning, we can be filled with wonder as we recall the events of
the first Easter…