The Mail
First, I want to say that I have enjoyed reading Liguorian for many years. I usually read all the stories in every issue. What I read keeps me informed and excited to be a Catholic.
After reading Br. Daniel Korn, CSsR, report about Mary, I am hopeful to read what he might say about Our Lady of Kibeho. I had never heard of this apparition until a friend shared the book titled The Boy Who Met Jesus by Immaculée Ilibagiza.
Kathy M., Washington
Former President Obama is famous (in my opinion) for commenting on situations without all the facts and making the situation worse. The guest editorial “A Vision of America” seemingly does the same by reflecting the “biased” media. The so-called Capital Riot was an assembly infiltrated by bad people in disguise to do what they have always wanted to do. That is to destroy this country. The Presidential Election was crooked and now our freedoms are doomed. Prominent Democrats are calling for re-education camps for people who disagree with their point of view. The legal system and the Democrats interpret the Constitution for their own desires and the Citizens be Damned.
P.S. I have subscribed for years, but you need to stick to God and leave politics alone. I have listened to Priests and Bishops speak who would agree with my point of view.
Harold D., Kansas
This is a long-overdue letter! After seeing Jim Auer’s article “Reprieves!” in February 2021, I finally had to write. I want to thank you and especially Mr. Auer for many years of life-changing articles. I left the Church as a bratty fourteen-year-old in 1970. In 1977, I was required to take a much-dreaded class on Eastern religions in college. That class and the sudden accidental death of my best friend led me to start dropping into the church of my childhood daily, and—ultimately—my own little search for God. Fortunately, in the back of that church was a wonderful magazine and book rack that always contained copies of Liguorian. Your magazine, and especially the articles that Mr. Auer wrote aimed at youth, had more to do with my returning to the sacraments than I could ever tell you. I pray your reward will be great in heaven for all of your wonderful work!
Mary B., Missouri