The Mail
Just when I don’t think I have time to read Liguorian with all of my other reading material…it stays on the top of my list. You have such great articles. In the February 2022 edition, I especially enjoyed “Love Is For Giving” and seeing our very special deacon, Jerry Stoverink from Sacred Heart Parish in Festus, Missouri, featured in “Profiles in Service.” We are so blessed to have him.
I also appreciated March’s “Profiles in Service” feature on Deacon Gary Levy from New Orleans, especially his response to the question: “What personal sacrifices do you join to the sacrifice of Christ?” He spoke about estrangement from a son. As parents, we also have this problem with a daughter. The article was so enlightening.
Jackie B., Missouri
Imagine my surprise when I saw the famous “New Orleanian” Anne Rice on the cover of the February 2022 edition! I have a very dear friend who has read and enjoyed almost everything that she wrote. We actually drove by Anne’s house in New Orleans several years ago while on a trip together. Anne certainly had a conflicted and unusual spiritual journey, but I do believe she had a very good and extremely generous heart. She seemingly only had issues with the institutional Church, disagreeing with its stance on several issues. May she be forever held in the arms of her compassionate, loving, and merciful Creator.
Loretta G., Massachusetts
It’s Lent, so a confession is in order. I have been an “on-again, off-again” Liguorian reader. However, when I saw the headline and image for Fr. Miller’s article “People of the Lies” in March 2022, I was immediately pulled in. While I always expect and find excellent thought-provoking writing from Fr. Miller, I found that the breadth of topics he covered put spirituality right where it belongs: squarely in the conversation with social, political, environmental, and health issues. Thank you, Fr. Miller for deftly balancing Nigeria, Biden, Trump, and Pope Francis in the same article. The quote from Mark Twain was a great touch, and that’s no lie!
Daniel F., Florida