The Mail
My wife and I share the same sentiment Barbara Hughes mentioned in her column “Just Live It” (July-August 2019) of how her heart sinks when she watches the news. And I don’t think we are alone. Our solution was really quite simple. We stopped watching. It saddens us that so many people are tuned in all day long to CNN, Fox News, etc. We believe this is a contributing factor to depression and anxiety. Tuning out has freed up time for us to be more prayerful and active in positive ways. It is not easy to let go of the news dependency, but it is liberating beyond belief.
—Glenn B., GA
Thank you for the article “Tremors in the Church,” (“From the President and Publisher,” March 2019). Fr. Byron Miller’s article relayed hopefulness, a relief to my heart in these awful times within our Church and country.
—Patricia K.
As part of a Lenten project, I vowed to write an op-ed letter to several Catholic magazines. My thesis is this: the Catholic Church and all of Christianity is losing, but the Catholic Church—which is supposed to be the kingpin of Christianity—is losing the most. This phenomenon is especially evident in Western civilization, and it is our fault as Catholics, not God’s fault. We are letting God down; he is not letting us down.
I might note that I had a difficult time finding Catholic magazines for this project. When I was growing up, there used to be magazine racks in the back of Church. [For] those that still have them, I don’t think they’ve changed the inventory since back then. I even visited an archdiocese gift shop. They told me they don’t carry any Catholic periodicals and were even hard-pressed to give me the names of any. I commented, “How are people supposed to learn about Catholicism?” They responded, “By going to Mass.”
—Francis L., NE
The article about climate change(“From the President and Publisher,” April 2019) is more of the same. We’ve had climate change for thousands of years. In my opinion, you relayed the notion that, “I’m right and everyone who disagrees with me is wrong.” Many politicians express a similar attitude.
—Harold D., KS