September 2013
September 2013
On behalf of all of us at William H. Sadlier, Inc., our sincere congratulations on the hundredth anniversary of Liguorian. It’s a wonderful milestone to have achieved.
To think of the hundreds of thousands of readers who have been uplifted, consoled, and/or strengthened in their faith is truly remarkable. Every issue of Liguorian is Christ sowing the Word through you and looking for “the seed that fell on good ground.”
You’ve certainly fulfilled your mission statement; I most admire the third point: to expose readers to the best elements of Catholic spirituality in order to help them navigate the contemporary world assisted by their faith.
We at Sadlier pray that our Lord will always give you and your staff wisdom and perseverance during the next 100 years.
W. Sadlier-Dinger, NY
I’ve had trouble understanding two terms: mystagogia and magisterium. The article “Mystagogia Today: From Initiation to Formation” (April 2013) helped me understand mystagogia. Sincere thanks to author Stratford Caldecott and to Liguorian. Perhaps someone could write a similar article explaining magisterium.
K. Anderson, MO
How do you pronounce mystagogia? I recommend including this information when using an unfamiliar word in future articles.
Name withheld
Editor’s note: The correct pronunciation is "mist uh GO jee uh".