The New, the Familiar
In this first issue of the year, I’m pleased to introduce you to the new content you’ll find between our covers and briefly review some of the Liguorian features that we’re excited to continue offering to you.
Though we’ve dabbled in publishing poetry in the past, in 2020, we plan to feature an original poem in all ten editions. We hope you’ll find that these smaller parcels can yield powerful messages.
Each issue will also give an inside look at those who have dedicated their life to ministry through a personal profile on a member of the Redemptorist family. Many individuals to be featured in “Profiles in Service” have acted as the hands and feet of Christ for decades. Their stories will often replace our standard profile, which primarily gives a voice to an organization pursuing a cause for the greater good.
We’ll occasionally print a new Scripture-based feature that will explore a theme using the Bible. Adapted from a Liguori series, Scripture from Scratch, the articles will be designed to help us dissect doctrine and develop a keener ability to apply Bible verses to our faith life.
Plus, we’ll offer quotations from Pope Francis.
Along with the new, the features you’re familiar with will continue to provide information and insights.
Liguorian columns remain staples. And as always, we’ll publish letters from readers, features written in a pastoral voice, thoughtful meditations, fiction, tasty recipes, book reviews, a Catholic crossword puzzle, a Bible quiz, plus the popular jokes and cartoons page.
We constantly look for ways to improve and shake things up, so we invite you to share your ideas with me at Whether you have a question about a Church tradition or teaching, have feedback on content we’ve published, or want to share a funny story to be considered for “The Lighter Side,” I’d love to hear from you!
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Wishing you and yours a happy New Year!