Time to Follow
Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2
The changes we have experienced over these many months have been mind-boggling. The coronavirus, the restrictions it caused, and the growing influence of tech companies and “cancel culture”—a phrase some use to describe the withdrawal of support for public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable—all have taken us into uncharted territory. On this journey, we must not allow ourselves to drift from the will of God.
Rather, let us turn to Mary, our Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph, our protector. Their earthly lives took them on difficult paths in a world that was pulling away from God’s embrace. God trusted Mary and Joseph to follow his will, and the Word of God was the Light that guided them. Remember, the heart of God’s law is loving mercy, made manifest in Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Mary and Joseph were the first disciples of Christ. Following God’s will, with their love and protection, the Son of God grew and lived to show the way, the truth, and the life that led to redemption and salvation. We have a similar purpose. With our love and the protection of the living Word, the merciful love of God will continue to grow in our lives and our world.
We are transformed by adhering to God’s will, participating in Christ’s redemptive work, and following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. In so doing, we can discern God’s call for our lives. Like Mary and Joseph, through our lives, we can share the Lord’s light in our corner of the world.
Truly, now is the time to follow our Lord. “We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2). We can become visible signs of God’s love and mercy. Our world desperately needs to see those signs. So many are headed in a direction not led by God!
Steady my feet in accord with your promise;
do not let iniquity lead me.
Psalm 119:133
By following our Lord’s will and way, with Mary and Joseph to guide us, we can turn away from society’s pressures and iniquities that will only lead to our demise. Therefore, let us not cancel out the teachings of our Lord. Instead, let us do what is good and pleasing and perfect in the eyes of God. By our transformation, we sustain the hope of healing and redemption for ourselves and for our world. Amen.