Timeless Wisdom for Troubled Times
Part One of Five
We live in curious, troubled times. Rather than enjoying this relatively peaceful and prosperous era in our nation, citizens feel unsettled. We’re at odds with one another, and we distrust political and religious leaders. Looking for stability and reason, we turn to original documents like the Constitution and the Bible to steady our way forward. As Americans, we count on our governments to legislate, interpret, and execute just laws. As people of faith, we sense the need for similar authority in the interpretation and application of Scripture to our lives.
For Catholics, living biblical truths can seem especially daunting when non-Catholic loved ones and co-workers assert that so much of our faith lies outside the teachings of Jesus Christ. Instead of growing defensive or, worse, intimidated by challenges to our beliefs and practices, let’s begin this new year looking back through salvation history to understand the timeline of our faith. Realizing that communities of believers were growing and thriving long before the Bible was compiled and circulated, our focus shifts from defending the particulars of our faith to understanding the relationship of Scripture, Catholic Tradition, and the Church.
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