Category: The Mail


Thank you for the article “The Last Touchdown” by B. G. Kelley (October 2020). It talked about neighborhood football in Philadelphia in the 1940s and featured teams from East Falls, where my brother and I lived, and Frankford, Pennsylvania. I shared it with my Philly friends, and I’m sure they will...


Regardless of your intent, “The Faithful Vote” (September 2020) was nonetheless an obvious attempt to morally justify voting for the political party accepting abortion; don’t try to color it otherwise. To say [in “From the Editor” in November 2020] that the article’s interpretation is like perceiving the color of a...


As a faithful reader of Liguorian for over thirty years, I was appalled by the extremely liberal article “The Faithful Vote.” It is a passive-aggressive assault against the current White House administration. The opening paragraph sets the stage for this charade of an effort to displace Catholics to shirk the...

The Mail

I was very disappointed by the one-sidedness of “The Faithful Vote,” (September 2020) by Michael Wright. It failed to mention three issues that I think are more important than environmental issues. Support of gay marriage, because it does not allow for procreation and is against God’s law of one man...

The Mail

I read the “Plain Talk” column titled “Missing Essentials” (July/August Liguorian) and, in my opinion, the message was met with poor timing. The author asked, “Where is Catholic social teaching in the midst of COVID-19?” He implies that the people who are the working arm of the Church and implement...


I’m writing in response to “Looking Immigration Right in the Eye” by James Graves (May-June 2020). I have been a loyal subscriber for thirty-plus years, and before now I’ve never read an article that made me question your magazine’s judgment. Do we really need the viewpoint of the FAIR (non-partisan) organization?...


The April 2020 edition of Liguorian was another inspiring and helpful edition, thank you. My husband appreciated the well-written “From the President and Publisher” column (“Unsurprising Imperfections”) and so did I. Keep up the good work! I really enjoy solving the crossword puzzles with a little help from my husband...

The Mail

I was bothered by the meditation piece “What the Soul Needs to Breathe” (October 2019). Though I agree wholeheartedly with the basic idea that getting outside and into God’s creation can help me “get in touch with my soul,” I disagree with the tone of the feature. To have access...


I thought “It’s A Good Thing Jesus Came Along” (February 2020) was a very odd look at salvation history and how to live with your neighbors. In the Old Testament, God made a covenant of a Promised Land in Genesis. In Joshua 23:5 God said about the Canaanites, “The Lord,...


I enjoyed the January issue. Great job. I was most interested in reading “You Welcomed Me” (“Plain Talk”). The ID cards sound like a good starting point. Kudos to that pastor. However, I was sad to see the plan does not go a step further and include helping the recipient...


I was saddened to read the letter to the editor by Dierdre P. [November 2019] regarding the statue of Mary of the Delta. Instead of seeing the beauty and the love of the Virgin Mary that the statue represents, she focused on the hate that seems to be spreading across...


I recently read the opinion of Dierdre on “Mary, Mother of the Delta,” on the 1950s-ish image of Mary [“Mail,” November 2019]. Yes, it would be nice if art in the Church were more historically correct. As another example, in artwork depicting the crucifixion, the nails should be in Jesus’...


I was fascinated by the approach that Fr. Bruce Lewandowski took in his article “Immigrants’ Status: Limbo” (“Plain Talk,” May-June 2019). I just returned from a (southern) border trip, and my impression on the situation is similar to Fr. Lewandowski’s. Overall, I have a sense that immigrants in our country are...

The Mail

I’d like to offer prayers of thanksgiving to the Liguori Staff for their efforts in producing various fine issues of Liguorian. I’m proud to share the magazine with many friends. —Chuck B., WI The recent article by Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR, titled “Yearning to Breathe Free” (July-August 2019) was a...

The Mail

My wife and I share the same sentiment Barbara Hughes mentioned in her column “Just Live It” (July-August 2019) of how her heart sinks when she watches the news. And I don’t think we are alone. Our solution was really quite simple. We stopped watching. It saddens us that so...


I’m writing in response to “Immigrants’ Status: Limbo” (“Plain Talk,” May-June 2019). Three of my four grandparents were immigrants. They all entered the US legally. None of them crossed deserts or stayed up late worrying about deportation. I have known many immigrants who entered the US legally, maintained the proper...


Thank you for the courageous and informative article about Islam published in February 2019. As a counterpoint to the Islamic extremists’ misapplication of the doctrine of jihad, you might have offered a little more detail about the excesses of the Crusades. It would be hard to imagine a more sickening...


I applaud your February 2019 article on Islam. Similar to Pope Francis’ visit to the Middle East, it presents a caring picture of Catholicism’s relationship with Islam. However, there is also a dark side of Islam that is either unknown or ignored. In the book Christianity, Islam and Atheism, William...

The Mail

Fr. Bruce Lewandowski’s column “Why I Miss Mother Teresa” (January 2019) had an error. Mother Teresa left the Loreto convent cloister in 1948, not 1929. She arrived in India on January 6, 1929. I got my information from Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, edited and commentary by Fr. Brian...

The Mail

I was disappointed in your magazine after I read the story titled “The Do-Overs” by Kerry Sloan (May-June 2018). I was a little leery when the story started with an elderly gentleman, John, who was disappointed that he hadn’t died on his seventy-fifth birthday after his psychic told him he...